
영화 정보

Bright Future

A Window on Asian Cinema

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2003
  • Running Time92min
  • Format35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Prolific director Kurosawa creates a provocative commentary on inter-generational conflict and the no-hope outlook of some Japanese youth. Enigmatic Mamoru lives alone with his poisonous jellyfish. These beautiful sea creatures are loners that sting whoever gets too close. Mamoru works at a utility factory. He fascinates and influences Yuji, an unstable younger colleague. When Mamoru is arrested for murdering their boss, Yuji takes on the care of his dangerous pet - and also develops a relationship with Mamoru's father.
Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Born in Kobe, Japan in 1955, Kurosawa Kiyoshi made his feature debut in 1983 with KANDAGAWA WARS. His reputation grew with the success of [The Excitement of the Do-Re-Mi-Fa Girl](1985). His filmography includes [Sweet Home](1989), [The Guard from the Underground](1992), [Cure](1997), [License to Live](1998), [Charisma](1999), [Pulse](2001), and [Bright Future](2003) which also screened Pusan Interantional Film Festival in 2003.
  • Director
    Kiyoshi Kurosawa
  • ProducerAsai Takashi
  • CastOdagiri Joe
    Asano Tadanobu
    Fuji Tatsuya
  • ScreenplayKurosawa Kiyoshi
  • CinematographyShibanushi Takahide
  • Production DesignKohri Hiromichi
  • EditorKurosawa Kiyoshi
  • MusicPacific 231

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당