
영화 정보

The Big Swindle

Korean Panorama

Crime/Violence · Suspense/Mystery · Psychology

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time116min
  • Format35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Five thieves, all with their own secret motives, carry out a mega-scale theft on the Bank of Korea. The outcome is successful, but the 5 billion won stolen from the bank somehow vanishes. The principal player, Chang-hyuk, dies. An experienced detector investigates the crime. A month after Chang-hyuk′s death, Chang-hyuk′s brother Chang-ho is called into the police station. The reconstruction of the crime begins. Chang-ho is found to be the beneficiary of the 5 billion won life insurance policy of his brother. In-kyung, who used to live with another member of crime master Mr. Kim, sets her mind on the insurance benefit. The Big Swindle is the first attempt in Korean cinema at the criminal thriller genre. The story is very complicated as it focuses on the internal conflicts of the criminals as well as the crime itself. Delicate filming and splendid acting won critical acclaim while achieving huge box office success. Another discovery is the charismatic middle-aged actor Baek Yoon-shik who plays Mr. Kim.
CHOI Dong Hun
After graduating from the Korean Academy of Film Arts, Choi Dong-hun established his career through Tears by Lim Sang-soo and connected himself with the Sidus when adapting the director Hwang Kyu-deok’s scenario. Deeply interested in a film or fiction of mystery and crime, he considers Alan J. Pakula as his master.
  • Director
    CHOI Dong Hun
  • ProducerLee Seok-won
  • CastPark Shin-yang
    Yun Jung-a
    Bafk Yoon-shik
  • ScreenplayCHOI Dong Hun
  • CinematographyChoi Young-hwan
  • Production DesignLee Min-bok
  • EditorShin Min-kyung
  • MusicHan Jae-Kwon
  • Production CompanySIDUS CORPORATION
  • World SalesMIROVISION INC.

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당