
영화 정보

Shoot the Sun by Lyric – The Fight for the Screen Quota in Korea

Wide Angle

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1999
  • Running Time90min
  • FormatBeta
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
As the sub-heading indicates, this video features the struggles of Korean filmmakers defending the screen quota system in Korea. This struggle begins on July of 1998, when the Ministry of Culture and Tourism proposes a reduction in the screen quota. Forming an ′Emergency Committee to Protect the Screen Quota System,′ leaders in the Korean film industry prepare systematic countermeasures. The second fight occurs in December, when more than 1200 film people show up to demonstrate their support. This struggle is extended again in June of 1999, when it is revealed that the government has held secret discussions with the U.S. about reducing Korea′s screen quota. Upon hearing this, more than 100 film people shave their heads to rally a desperate defense of the film industry. No one knows when the fight will end for sure. The video marches on with an analytical approach which reveals that, behind this screen quota crisis lies the US-lead new liberalism ideology and their cultural supremacy as a film empire. It also identifies temporarily triumphant Korean film people with the characters in ′History of Three States, utilizing symbolism and the hero-making process. Thus, Shoot the Sun by Lyric is a persuasive documentary with a combative spirit focusing on its accurate information and analysis and, at the same time, moving the news report-style documentary to another level. (Kim Sun-A)
CHO Jae-hong
Bom in 1960, Cho Jai-Hong began his career as a film reporter in 1984. After working as assistant director for Jung Ji-Young and Lee Jang-Ho, he started his work as film critic in 1989, working on both church and state of film industry. In 1990, he wrote the screenplay for Silver Stallion, receiving award for best script from 1990 Montreal World Film Festival.
  • Director
    CHO Jae-hong
  • ProducerSeoul Visual Collective
    Screen Quota Watchers
  • ScreenplayLee Nam-Jin
  • CinematographyLee Mario
  • Production CompanySeoul Visual Collective
  • World SalesSeoul Visual Collective

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당