
영화 정보

World Premiere Wild Flowers

Korean Cinema Today

Urbanization · Coming of Age · Women · Crime/Violence

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2014
  • Running Time114min
  • FormatDCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
The life of runaway girls is exposed to the threats of prostitution or violent situations during the quest to find a place to stay overnight like Eunsoo and Soohyang. They save Hadam another girl being abused by a man on the street and together they seek a motel to sleep. Waiting for them are ‘uncle’ and his buddy Taesung who lock up runaway girls to pimp them for prostitution. The three are confined to their room, but manage to use Taesung’s fondness of Soohyang to escape. After settling down in an abandoned house, they desperately look for a place to live together. The girls are filled with hope when Eunsoo signs the lease to their new home which is short-lived due to an unexpected mishap. Unlike the series of films dealing with the subject of runaway teenagers such as Bad Movie(1997) and Tears(2000), Wild Flowers observes the life of runaway girls from a different perspective. Without the chance to reveal their antagonism towards the order of the status quo, these kids are pushed into the perils of extremely threatened survival. And through this all, any social system to protect them seem inexistent. (NAM Dong-chul)
PARK Sukyoung
Park Sukyoung studied Korean Literature at Sogang University and film at Columbia University in New York, but left school to begin working in the industry on the production team for Jeon Kye-soo’s Lost & Found(2010). Wild Flowers is his first feature film.
  • Director
    PARK Sukyoung
  • ProducerJeongmin BAE
  • CastSoohyang CHO
    Eunsoo KWON
    Hadam JEONG
    Bongsung KANG
    Paul LEE
    Changkyung OH
    Hyunjoo BAIK
    Moonsu CHOI
    Youngrok CHOI
    Huibong CHO
    Joonsoo LEE
    Sungho CHO
    Samdong SONG
  • ScreenplaySukyoung PARK
  • CinematographySeongeun LEE
  • Production DesignBosung JEON
  • EditorSeongeun LEE
  • MusicDongki KIM
    Daehwan KIM
  • Production CompanyMovie Engine Co. Ltd.
  • World SalesINDIESTORY INC.

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당