
영화 정보

Raven the Little Rascal - The Big Race

Wide Angle

Animal · Literature · Children

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year2015
  • Running Time73min
  • FormatDCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
A cheeky but lovable Raven – whose name in the original book series is “Little Raven Sock” after the striped sock he wears on his left foot – is a soapbox car driver at heart and spends his time racing through the beautiful autumn forest. By doing so, however, not only he does not help his animal friends with the pre-winter harvesting of nature’s bounty, but he also accidentally crashes into the fully-stocked food cabin causing the precious content to fall into the river and being lost. As a result, the winter survival of the forest’s animals is at stake. Luckily, a potential solution falls into Raven’s lap: a big, three-part forest race will be held soon and, in case of victory, Raven could buy new stocks with the prize money. But the competition and the opponents will be fierce and everyone will have a lot to learn both on- and off- the track before reaching the finishing line… Ready, steady, go, Raven! This simple but engaging animated feature about teamwork, responsibility, and following one’s true passions in life is based on the best-selling book series by German authors Nele Moost (story) and Annet Rudolph (artwork). (Davide CAZZARO)
Hailing from Bremen, Germany, storyboard artist and lecturer Ute von Münchow-Pohl studied arts in Münster before going to work for Hahn-Film in Berlin. She spent time in London and Hamburg before making her first film. Her credits include Kommando Störtebeker (2001), Laura’s Star and the Dream Monster (2011) and Raven the Little Rascal (2012).
Sandor JESSE
Sandor Jesse was born in Hungary and began working in animation at Pannonia in Budapest. He relocated to Cologne and then Baden-Baden with Studio88. His films include the television series Macius (2002), Little King Macius (2007) and Raven the Little Rascal (2012) with Ute von Münchow-Pohl.
  • Director
    Sandor JESSE
  • Production CompanyAkkord Film Produktion GmbH
  • World SalesSola Media GmbH

관련 기관 사이트

  • 부산광역시
  • 문화체육관광부
  • 영화진흥위원회
  • 영화의전당