

영화 정보


Flash Forward

Crime/Violence · Social Criticism · Suspense/Mystery · Revenge · Human Rights  

  • CountryUnited States
  • Production Year2017
  • Running Time93min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
Noelle, an art student struggling to find her voice, is sexually assaulted by a fellow classmate. Attempting to cope with her trauma, she impulsively confronts her attacker, leading to a violent altercation that culminates in his accidental death. Noelle tries to return to normalcy, but when she discovers that she is only one of many silenced sexual assault survivors on campus, she takes justice into her own hands. A vigilante is born—retribution is the inspiration she’s been waiting for. Natalia Leite’s <I>M.F.A</I>, overwhelmingly well received in this year’s SXSW, is her second feature film. <I>M.F.A </I>explores how Noelle has her revenge against rapists but the main focus of the film is how rape victims are treated by their friends and authorities. It is a meticulously well-made psychological thriller with excellent performances from Francesca Eastwood, daughter of Clint Eastwood.
Natalia LEITE
Natalia Leite was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and studied at the San Francisco Art Institute. An actress, artist, web series producer, and Vice Media contributor, Leite also speaks at universities and for NY Women in Film & Television. Her films include Dash (2009), Every Woman: Life as a Truck Stop Stripper (2014), Bare (2015), and Jo Cool (2016).
  • Director Natalia LEITE 나탈리아 레이테
  • Producer Shintaro SHIMOSAWA, Mike C. MANNING, Leah MCKENDRICK
  • Cast Francesca EASTWOOD, Clifton COLLINS JR., Leah MCKENDRICK, Peter VACK
  • Screenplay Leah MCKENDRICK
  • Cinematography Aaron KOVALCHIK
  • Production Design Kelly FALLON
  • Editor Lars KOERKEMEIER
  • World Sales Visit Films
    United States 173 Richardson St