

영화 정보

I Am Not a Witch

Flash Forward


  • CountryUK,France
  • Production Year2017
  • Running Time95min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
In a small village in Africa, a nine-year-old girl, Shula, is accused of witchcraft and confined to a witch camp. Like other witches, she is tied to a white ribbon that curses her by turning into a goat when she cuts it. Can Shula get out of the camp and find freedom? Women wearing paint on their faces are sitting in a huddle and foreign tourists are watching them like animals in a zoo. These women are those who have been declared to be witches. Under the command of a government official, they play the parts of witches and satisfy tourists’ curiosity. Shula, the youngest member of the group, draws even more attention. Shamanist rituals and absurd anecdotes of people depicted in vivid colors and refined camerawork make the story even more unrealistic. I Am Not a Witch deals with the deep-rooted tradition of witches in Africa, with a great sense of humor and sophistication. This is a debut film of a Zambian-born female director, Rungano Nyoni. (RHEE Souewon)
Rungano NYONI
Writer and director Rungano Nyoni was born in Lusaka, Zambia. She holds a master’s from Central St Martins, and was invited to Cannes’ Cinéfondation Residence program in 2013. Her films include The List (2009), Mwansa The Great (2011), Listen (2014), and The Mass of Men (as writer). I Am Not a Witch is her feature film debut.
  • Director Rungano NYONI 룬가노 뇨니
  • Producer Juliette GRANDMONT, Emily MORGAN
  • Cast Margaret MULUBWA, Henry B.J. PHIRI, Nancy MULILO
  • Screenplay Rungano NYONI
  • Cinematography David GALLEGO, ADFC
  • Production Design Nathan PARKER
  • Editor Yann DEDET, George CRAGG, Thibault HAGUE
  • Music Matthew James KELLY
    France ,United Kingdom

  • World Sales KINOLOGY
    France 30, rue Moret - 75011 Paris