

영화 정보

The Shaft

13th(2008) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · Coming of Age · Labor · Psychology  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year2008
  • Running Time98min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In The Shaft, director Chi Zhang tells a story of a family in a mining town in China. In the mining town where it is hard to follow one’s dreams, a father, daughter, and son each strive to pursue their own. Through several episodes of the three family members, the director shows hope and disappointment and how each must compromise with reality. Even though the daughter has a boyfriend who works in the mine, she meets a rich man from a big city whom the father introduced to her in hopes of enabling her to leave the mining town. The son drops out of school and dreams of becoming a singer in a big city, but his dream is not easily realized. The father, who devoted his entire life to his job in the mine, looks back at his life upon retirement. While their lives look as dark and hard as the landscape of the mining town, they keep their hopes. Their lives continue in that way. In his directing debut The Shaft, Zhang warmly describes without any exaggeration the family members who lead their lives without compliant, and the situation of those on the other side of China’s remarkable development. (KIM Byeongcheol)
Zhang Chi
Zhang Chi, born in Beijing in 1977, studied film direction at the Central Academy of Drama and then worked as director of the Chinese national television company CCTV from 2000 to 2004. After focusing on film direction and screenwriting, he won the Chinese annual prize for best screenplay for the film [Tokyo Trial(Dongjing Shenpan]) in 2006. [The Shaft] is his directorial debut on the international festival circuit.
  • Director Zhang Chi 장츠
  • Production Company China Film Association
    22 Bei-San-Huan-Dong-Lu, Beijing CHINA

  • World Sales China Film Association
    22 Bei-San-Huan-Dong-Lu, Beijing CHINA