

영화 정보

The Master

10th(2005) World Cinema

Road Movie · Love/Romance · Coming of Age  

  • CountryPoland,Germany
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time120min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The Master is a knife thrower in a travelling circus. One night, drunk, he releases all the circus animals from their cages and gets fired for his work. He decides to follow his dream and head to Paris on his own. Along the way he picks up Angela, a prostitute he saves from a rapist, Mlody, a mysterious man with a painful past, and Elodie, a young girl that Angela recruits during their travels. What could be a typical road trip is actually an existential trip to the self-replete with starts and stops, moments where the characters get lost on their way, and moments when they′re in a hurry. The trip is interrupted when The Master falls in love with a woman in a village, Anna, who had volunteered to assist in The Master′s knife-throwing trick. The four stay in the town for a short while and are forced to look at their own lives and where they hope to go. In the end, The Master must decide which dreams are worth holding on to and which are best to let go.
Piotr Trzaskalski
Piotr Trzaskalski was born in Lodz, Poland, and holds a master’s degree in film from the University of Lodz. He went on to study at the Northern School of Film and Television at Leeds Metropolitan University on a scholarship. Since 1992, he has been working in television, making videos and commercials, producing programs on art, and making documentaries. His filmography includes his debut feature [Edi](2002), and [Time Lies in the Street](2004).
  • Director Piotr Trzaskalski 피오트르 트자스칼스키
  • Producer Piotr Dzieciol
  • Cast Konstantin Lavronienka, Monika Buchowiec, Yaceu Braciak
  • Screenplay Wojciech Lepianka, Piotr Trzaskalski
  • Cinematography Piotr Sliskowski
  • Production Design Wojciech Zogala
  • Editor Cezary Kowalczok
  • Sound Yan Freda
  • Music Wojciech Lemanski