

영화 정보

One Day in Europe

10th(2005) World Cinema

Urbanization · Crime/Violence · Sports  

  • CountryGermany,Spain
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time100min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
How is it possible to make a film about Europe, its various mentalities, its people? Is there a common European way of life? These are the questions writer-director Hannes Stöhr asked himself before he started shooting this light-hearted, contemporary, truly pan-European film. On the day of the Champions League final football match, four stories, in four cities and eight languages unfold. In Moscow, a British woman is abandoned by a cabbie and robbed. Elena, a local, offers her assistance in dealing with the football-obsessed police; in Istanbul, a German student hatches an insurance fraud scheme, only to be found out by both the cops and a vigilante cab driver; in Santiago de Compostela, Hungarian Gabor has his camera stolen-along with two years worth of photographs-and gets neither help nor sympathy from the local constabulary; and in Berlin, two broke French street performers fake a mugging to earn some quick cash. Through all, cultural misunderstanding, communication barriers and football unite the tales and the characters in way that could only happen in modern Europe.
Hannes Stöhr
Hannes Stöhr was born in Stuttgart and studied law at the University of Passau. He went on to study filmmaking at Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie and immediately began making short films. His credits include [Biete Agentinnen, suche Europa](1995), [Maultaschen](1996), [Gosh-ein Zirkusporträt](1998), and his Berlin- and German Critics Association Award-winning first feature film, [Berlin Is In Germany](2001).
  • Director Hannes Stöhr 하네스 스퇴르
  • Producer Anne Leppin, Sigrid Hoerner
  • Cast Megan Gay, Florian Lukas, Miguel De Lira, Rachida Brakni
  • Screenplay Hannes Stoehr
  • Cinematography Florian Hoffmeister
  • Production Design Andreas Olshausen
  • Editor Anne Fabini, Nina Caspers
  • Sound Frank Kruse
  • Music Florian Appl
  • Production Company moneypenny filmproduktion GmbH
    Linienstr. 160 Berlin GERMANY 10115