

영화 정보

Paradise Now

10th(2005) World Cinema

Crime/Violence · War · Spirituality  

  • CountryPalestine,Germany,Nethelands,France
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time90min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
"I am not an Israeli-Arab... I am a Palestinian. I have an Israeli passport but it does not make me an Israeli. As long as Israel continues to be a Jewish state, I cannot be an Israeli as I am not a Jew. I am not against the Jews being in Palestine... but I cannot agree with a state that makes a native people foreigners in their own land." Director Hany Abu-Assad′s words contain the kernel of a debate that has raged for decades. In Paradise Now, two childhood friends who are recruited to carry out a suicide bombing must consider their own convictions and destinies. We are left to ask questions of why anyone would agree to such action, and what brings a person to that place. Abu-Assad walks a fine line between sympathizing with people who kill and understanding what motivates someone to such desperate violence. The ′how and the why is rarely asked in cinema, and Abu-Assad has made a film that attempts to answer those questions. He has made visible the invisible.
Hany Abu-assad
Abu-Assad was born in Nazareth. He relocated to Amsterdam to study technical engineering and initially his career seemed to be in the aircraft industry. He switched course and soon found himself as the founder of Ayloul Film and producing films for television–usually concentrating on his preferred subject of multiculturalism and social pluralism. His films include [The 14th Chick](1998), [Nazareth 2000](2000), [Rana’s Wedding], and [Ford Transit](both 2002).
  • Director Hany Abu-assad 하니 아부 아사드
  • Producer Hengameh Panahi, Amir Harel, Gerhard Meixner, Roman Paul, Bero Beyer
  • Cast Kais Nashef, Ali Suliman, Lubna Azabal, Amer Hlehel
  • Screenplay Hany Abu-Assad, Bero Beyer
  • Cinematography Antoine Heberl
  • Production Design Olivier Meidinger
  • Editor Sander Vos
  • Sound Uve Haussig
  • Production Company Augustus Film
    Plantage Parklaan 9 Amsterdam NETHERLANDS 1018SR