

영화 정보


10th(2005) World Cinema

Social Criticism · Politics/Conspiracy · Psychology  

  • CountryAustria
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time100min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In the modern climate of distrust, it could be said that we all have a denunciating side. How far we are able to trust at all is the question the core of Sleeper. Johannes is a scientist working in Munich alongside Farid. Their opposing practices don′t prevent them from working well together until Johannes′s view of Farid becomes corrupted by suggestion. A German secret service agent asks him to keep tabs on his colleague and eventually he agrees. Combined with personal rivalry for a woman′s attentions and professional competition, Johannes′s suspicion of Farid extends to the point that he lies out of contempt and jealousy and then must live with the bitter consequences. Benjamin Heisenberg is amazed at how fast societies manifest dangerous insecurities, and explores how easily trustworthy and reliable individuals can make mistakes. Lessons learned from the Third Reich have been forgotten in the post-9/11 world where we argue and counter-argue to the point of not knowing right from wrong. Johannes knows how to be right, but pays a stiff price for that knowledge.
Benjamin Heisenberg
Heisenberg was born in Tübingen, Germany and originally studied sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich before immersing himself in cinema. In 1998, he founded the film magazine ‘Revolver’–which was the first German publication to print Dogme 95–and wrote his first screenplay in 2001. His films include the animated short [Es Zogen Einst](1995), [Alles Wieder Still](1998), [Milchwald](2002), [Die Gelegenheit](2004), and his first feature film, [Am See](2001).
  • Director Benjamin Heisenberg 벤야민 하이젠베르크
  • Producer Barbara Albert, Martin Gschlacht, Jessica Hausner, Antonin Svoboda, Peter Heilath
  • Cast Bastian Trost, Mehdi Nebbou, Loretta Pflaum, Gundi Ellert, Wolfgang Pregler
  • Screenplay Benjamin Heisenberg
  • Cinematography Reinhold Vorschneider
  • Production Design Renate Schmaderer
  • Editor Stefan Stabenow, Karina Ressler
  • Sound William Franck, Stephan Michalik
  • Music Lorenz Dangel