

영화 정보

Sophie Scholl - the Final Days

10th(2005) World Cinema

Colonialism · Psychology · History  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time117min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The White Rose group′s anti-Nazi activities earned them a great deal of attention from the Gestapo, as well as a place in German history; Sophie Scholl is an icon German resistance. In 1943, Sophie was arrested and taken to Robert Mohr, a Gestapo officer, for interrogation. The last six days of her life are dramatized in this film, a psychological duel between the two one where Scholl refuses to betray her friends or her ideals, and impresses even Mohr with her convictions. The film draws from the Gestapo and court records of the interrogation and trial for its narrative, as well as selected interviews with surviving eyewitnesses. The central ideal of civil disobedience, courage and personal action are as relevant today as they were during the Second World War. Marc Rothemund referred to the issue as "one that we face in our everyday lives-for example, in bullying at the workplace or at school, where the weaker ones are trampled on. To rise up against injustice, to refuse to close our eyes-this will always remain an important issue."
Marc Rothemund
Born in Germany, Marc Rothemund began his career in advertising and later went on to work as an assistant to Helmut Dietl on [Rossini], Gérard Corbiau on [Farinelli], as well as Bernd Eichinger and Dominik Graf. Among his films are [Love Scenes from Planet Earth](1998), [Just the Two of Us](2000), [Hope Dies Last](2001) and [Das Duo–Der Liebhaber](2003). Rothemund was awarded the Silver Bear for directing at the 2005 Berlin International Film Festival.
  • Director Marc Rothemund 마르크 로테문트
  • Producer Christoph Mueller
  • Cast Julia Jentsch, Alexander Held, Fabian Hinrichs, Johanna Gastdorf
  • Screenplay Fred Breinersdorfer
  • Cinematography Martin Langer
  • Production Design Jana Karen
  • Editor Hans Funck
  • Sound Roland Winke
  • Music Johnny Klimek
  • Production Company Goldkind Film
    Rambergstr. 5 Munich GERMANY 80799