

영화 정보

Summer Wedding

10th(2005) World Cinema

Family · Tradition · Psychology  

  • CountryFrance,Tunisie,Morocco
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time90min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Hamid is a happy, unwed, celibate journalist. Wishing desperately to avoid becoming like everyone else, he staunchly refuses to get married. His family thinks otherwise and speeds up plans to get him married. With his wedding to Rym in the near future, Hamid plots one last desperate stab at independence by planning his own subversive act. And he plans this act for his wedding night. Director Moktar Ladjimi made documentary films with a focus on the ethnographic and historical, and he carries that on with that philosophy here, as he pictures the clash between old, conservative Tunisia and the new, more progressive one. Hamid is caught between the two and weighed down by what Ladjimi refers to as the nation′s "social hypocrisy." The film also highlights the importance of the journalist, especially in a country like Tunisia, which is choked and muzzled by traditionalism and yet lurching forward into modernity, all the while maintaining the right of arranging their sons′ and daughters′ lives.
Moktar Ladjimi
Moktar Ladjimi was born in Tunisia and is a graduate of Paris’ IDHEC. He began his career making short films and documentaries for television. His filmography includes [Night of Henna](1996), [Colonial Cinema](1997), [Thousand and One Oriental Dances](1998), [East of the Cafés](2000). [Summer Wedding] is his first feature film.
  • Director Moktar Ladjimi 목타르 라지미
  • Producer Thierry Lenouvel, Abdellaziz Ben M′Louka
  • Cast Mahamed Ali Ben Jemaa, Fethi Hauddaoui, Lotfi Abdelli
  • Screenplay Moktar Lanjimi
  • Cinematography Jacques Besse
  • Production Design Mohsen Rais
  • Editor Michel Klochendler
  • Sound Fawzi Thabet, Jean-Guy Veran
  • Music Khled Namleghi