

영화 정보

Time to Leave

10th(2005) World Cinema

Family · Impaired · Psychology  

  • CountryFrance
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time90min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
"Romain is a relatively egocentric, cruel character. He decides not to tell his loved ones about his condition, thus leaving them unprepared, which means his death will cause them that much more suffering. But after all, why shouldn′t Romain have the right to choose how he will die? He makes a conscious decision to embrace his solitude and answer only to himself." -François Ozon This is the set up for Ozon′s latest, a chamber piece about a terminally ill man, Romain, who seeks his own kind of closure. In his quest for solitude, he alienates his family and friends through his callous behavior, yet seeks a last dose of tenderness from his grandmother played by Jeanne Moreau. Ozon has directed his most linear, accessible film, and easily his most sentimental. Those expecting the bite of 5x2, the darkness of Water Drops on Burning Rocks or the irony of 8 Women will be surprised by the pathos and flagrant emotion on display here and how effectively Ozon manages it.
François OZON
One of France’s most exciting young filmmakers, François Ozon was born in Paris and studied at FEMIS after completing a master’s degree in cinema. His various short films and features have screened at the Locarno, Venice, Cannes and Berlin international film festivals. His filmography includes [Action Vérité](1994), [Une Robe d’Été](1996), [Sitcom](1998), [Les Amants Criminels](1999), [Water Drops on Burning Rocks](2000), [8 Women](2002), [Swimming Pool](2003), [Time to Leave](2008), [Angel](2007), and [La Refuge](2009).
  • Director François OZON 프랑수아 오종
  • Producer Olivier Delbosc
  • Cast Melvil Poupaud, Jeanne Moreau, Veleria Bruni Tedeschi
  • Screenplay Francois Ozon
  • Cinematography Jeanne Lapoirie
  • Production Design Katia Wyskop
  • Editor Monica Coleman
  • Production Company Fidelite Productions
    13, rue Etienne-Marcel Paris FRANCE 75001