

영화 정보

What A Wonderful Place

10th(2005) World Cinema

Social Criticism · Politics/Conspiracy · Human Rights  

  • CountryIsrael
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time104min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
“Romanians and Chinese workers build our houses. Africans clean them, Thai workers cultivate our fields. Women mainly from the Ukraine and Moldavia provide us with paid sex and caregivers from the Philippines take care of the people we don′t have the strength or energy to take care of ourselves. Recently we have begun to hunt them down..."-Eyal Halfon What a Wonderful Place is an Israeli film that veers away from the expected subject matter of Israeli-Arab tensions, focusing instead on other equally affecting modern Israeli issues. In a Robert Altman-styled narrative, characters cross paths and then cross them again in a story that s poignant, humorous and very much about contemporary Israel′s current, uneasy relationship with its immigrant population and workers. Eyal Halfon′s film could be ponderous and choppy, but Halfon tells the complex story with unfettered grace and bold choices. Franco, an ex-cop, Jana, a prostitute, Zeltzer, a farmer and a local gangster are among the people that populate the film and live in the changing world vividly realized by Halfon.
Eyal Halfon
Halfon was born in Natanya, Israel, and is a graduate of Tel-Aviv University. In the past he’s worked as a tour guide, lifeguard, ranger and journalist before moving into filmmaking full time. His films include the documentaries [Better than the Beatles], and [Baghdad Bandstand](both 2002), and the features [The Italians Are Coming](1991), [Circus Palestina](1998), and [Insights](2003).
  • Director Eyal Halfon 에얄 할폰
  • Producer Assaf Amir, Yoav Roeh
  • Cast Uri Gavriel, Evelyne Kaplun, Avi Oria, Ramon Bagatsing
  • Screenplay Eyal Halfon
  • Cinematography Nili Aslan
  • Production Design Ido Dolev
  • Editor Einat Glaser-Zarhin
  • Sound David Lis
  • Music Avi Belleli