

영화 정보


10th(2005) World Cinema

Literature · Disaste · Psychology  

  • CountryGermany
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time108min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Based on the critically acclaimed novel by Christoph Hein, Willenbrock looks into the mind of a man who has never been afraid and never lacked confidence when he finally does feel fear and has his confidence stolen from him. Willenbrock is a successful businessman with a wonderful wife and a wonderful girlfriend. He owns two homes, isn′t easily rattled by setbacks, and is so achingly confident that it would seem nothing bad could ever happen to him. But his life is turned upside down when his home is burgled and his wife is attacked. With his renowned confidence shaken to its core, Willenbrock questions his position for the first time in his life-as well as confronting previously unknown feelings of fear, vulnerability, and rage. Seeking his lost assuredness in a gun, Willenbrock′s fears are our own. The moment when our carefully constructed sense of safety starts to crumble, not only on the personal level but on a societal one, is a collective nightmare. Ill-equipped as we are to handle catastrophes, the reaction is often one of misguided, sad violence.
Andreas Dresen
Anderas Dresen was born in Gera, formerly East Germany, and studied directing at the University for Film and Television in Potsdam after shooting several amateur short films beginning in 1979. He worked as a sound technician and eventually apprenticed at the DEFA Studios. His award-winning films include Silent Country(1992), Night Shapes(1999), Policewoman(2000), Grill Point(2002), and the documantary Denk ich an Deutschland-Herr Wichmann von der CDU(2003).
  • Director Andreas Dresen 안드레아스 드레센
  • Producer Norbert Sauer
  • Cast Axel Prahl, Inka Friedrich, Anne Ratte-Polle, Dagmar Manzel
  • Screenplay Laila Stieler
  • Cinematography Michael Hammon
  • Production Design Susanne Hopf
  • Editor Joerg Hauschild
  • Sound Peter Schmidt
  • Music Jens Quandt
  • Production Company UFA Filmproduktion GmbH
    Dianastr. 21 Potsdam GERMANY 14482