

영화 정보

Two Brothers

10th(2005) Oepn Cinema

Family · Animal · Social Criticism  

  • CountryFrance,UK
  • Production Year2004
  • Running Time109min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Kumal and Sangha are tiger cub siblings in the wilds of French Indochina. It is 1920, and the cubs are separated when a hunter captures Kumal and sells him to a circus. Sangha is given to the son of a French colonial administrator and raised as a pampered pet. One fateful day, Kumal and Sangha are pitted against one another in a public fight, but the two brothers evade a gruesome death and escape, starting a journey home. Jean-Jacques Annaud achieved incredible international success with his similarly themed The Bear. Unlike that film, however, where the bear was always treated like a wild animal and never sentimentalized, the tigers of Two Brothers are endowed with almost human motivations that play out in an old-fashioned melodrama. With the aid of some carefully utilized CGI, the two tigers are astonishingly photographed and lend this heart-warming story of the bonds of family and friendship added impact.
Jean-jacques Annaud
Jena-Jacques Annaud was born in Draveil, France. He originally studied medieval history along with filmmaking, and his earliest work was in commercial production. Among his films are his Oscar-winning debut [Black and White in Color](1976), [Quest for Fire](1981), [The Name of the Rose](1986), adapted from Umberto Eco’s novel, [The Bear](1988), [The Lover](1992), and [Enemy at the Gates](2001).
  • Director Jean-jacques Annaud 장 자크 아노
  • Producer Jean Jacques Annaud
  • Cast Guy Pearce, Freddie Highmore
  • Screenplay Jean Jacques Annaud
  • Cinematography Jean Marie Dreujou
  • Production Design Pierre Queffelean
  • Editor Noëlle Boisson
  • Sound Nigel Mills
  • Music Stephen Warbeck