

영화 정보


18th(2013) Flash Forward

Crime/Violence · Social Criticism · History  

  • CountryUK
  • Production Year2013
  • Running Time96min
  • Format DCP
  • ColorColor
Program Note
As desperation and fear increase gradually in a crime-ridden resident area of northern England, a man gets caught up in saving his local community. In early 1974, electricity shutdowns and the miners’ strike shook all of England. The only hope and protector of the village is Detective Sergeant Barry Harrigan. After a temporary dispatch to Hong Kong, he returns and re-joins the police force before noticing that chaos has infested his home like a plague. Identifying the problems, he meets Dunstan, the boss of the criminal gang. Harrigan’s mission of justice turns into a personal matter when he hears a friend and former colleague was killed by the enemy. Harrigan, is the second feature film by director Vince Woods who majored in animation and experimental films. (Jay JEON)
Vince WOODS originally studied Fine Art specialising in animation and experimental film. He went on to create commercials for blue chip companies like Procter & Gamble. In 2009 he set up Tall Tree Pictures and made the short film Bait Room. He has just finished Harrigan is his first feature film as director.
  • Director Vince WOODS 빈스 우즈
  • Producer Kirsty Bell
  • Cast Tompkinson Stephen, Kearney Gillian, Conway Craig
  • Screenplay Arthur McKenzie
  • Cinematography James McAleer
  • Editor Michael Pentey
  • Music James Edward Barker
  • Production Company TallTree Pictures Ltd
    United Kingdom 1st Florr 14 Blandford Square, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4HZ

  • World Sales STS Media
    United Kingdom