

영화 정보


5th(2000) World Cinema


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time70min
  • Format Beta
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In 1998, the intense walkout by workers at Hyundai Motors ended with a mutual agreement between the labor union and the management. However, 143 kitchen ladies who diligently participated in the strike, became casualties of the agreement by being laid off. Parallel is a three-year account of these women after the lay-off, who discipline themselves for survival despite harassment and hardships of gender discrimination by both the management and the labor union leaders. The labor union took control over the company cafeteria as a part of the agreement, and re-hired these laid-off kitchen ladies to manage the place. But what awaits them is worse working conditions consisting of 12 hours of serving an overload of hungry people and unbearable heat each day. They demand for the revocation of the labor agreement, but to no avail as they realize that they are alone in the fight without any support from the labor union, the management and even the government. The camera sides with these ladies, exposing the misguided patriarchal logic that threatens their survival. Once a meager force in the face of macroscopic power, the film presents a beautiful evolution of the kitchen ladies who discover their own cause. (Nam In-Young)
Lee Hye-ran
After starting work at DOCU Heemang, in 1996, she has helped produce videos that address issues of labor activism. After being invited to screen [Parallel] (2000) in the Wide Angle Section of the 5th PIFF, she has continued to make films that address issues of social identity for female workers, who are both women and workers. She is currently a member of Feminist Video Activism `WOM`.
Seo Eun Joo
Seo Eun-Joo briefly worked as a writer for a cable channel before participating in video production with Lee Hye-Ran at Workers Video Art Production, HOPE. She believes in the necessity for broader channels, including Internet broadcasts, to spread the stories of struggles by women laborers.
  • Director Lee Hye-ran 이혜란, Seo Eun Joo 서은주
  • Production Company Workers Video Art Production HOPE
    서울시 영등포구 영등포동 570-17 3층