

영화 정보


11th(2006) A Window on Asian Cinema

Rural · SF · Spirituality · Revenge  

  • CountryBhutan,India
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time95min
  • Format Digi Beta
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
To Neten Chokling Rinpoche, a spiritual head of Bhutan, filmmaking is another way of spiritual practice. The legend of Milarepa, widely known to Tibetan people, can be a perfect vehicle for carrying a tragedy caused by the greed and vengeance of human beings. Neten Chokling ls his message through the filmmaking, instead of a sermon. Milarepa is born into a rich family in a small town in eleventh century Bhutan. When his uncle hatches a scheme to steal his inheritance, Milarepa enters into the mountain and learns to use magical powers. After a long time of training, he embarks on the road of vengeance, only his vengeance causes another catastrophe. The last scene where Milarepa returns back to the mountain to disconnect himself with all the things happening in the mundane world seems to be a self portrait of Neten Chokling. This self reflexivity makes this film escape from a simple moral instruction or hypocracy. It is the sincerity and authenticity of the theme that renders the film so powerful, despite the film`s naive SFX and somewhat banal style of narrative. (Kim Ji-Seok)
Neten Chokling Rinpoche
H.E. Neten Chokling Rinpoche was born in 1973 into a poor family in Bhutan. At the age of two, he was recognized as the reincarnation of a great Tibetan meditation master, and was taken to his ancestral monastery in India. His first exposure to film direction was when Bernardo Bertolucci`s [Little Buddha] utilized monks from Chokling`s monastery in the movie. Since then, he has acted in Khyentse Norbu`s [The Cup] (1999). [Milarepa] is his directorial debut.
  • Director Neten Chokling Rinpoche 네텐 초클링 린포체
  • Producer Raymond STEINER
  • Cast Jamyang LODRO, Kelsang Chukie TETHONG, Orgyen Topgyal RINPOCHE, Tashi
  • Screenplay Neten Chokling RINPOCHE, Tenzing Choyang GYARI
  • Cinematography Paul WARREN
  • Editor Suzy ELMIGER
  • Music Joel DIAMOND
  • Production Company Shining Moon Productions
    P.O. BOX 7185 McLEAN, VA 22106 INDIA