

영화 정보

Nightmare Detective

11th(2006) A Window on Asian Cinema

Urbanization · Crime/Violence · Suspense/Mystery · IT/VR · Ditective  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time106min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
[Nightmare Detective] is a film that reveals Tsukamoto Shinya`s world as represented by the metallic nature of the city and desire of men in a modified form for a broader audience. A female detective Keiko takes on the mysterious homicide case of two persons, where the only lead she finds is the name Zero (0) in their mobile phonebooks. To prove her premise of a killer with supernatural powers of mind control, she seeks the help of a young man, Kyoshi, who enters the dreams of others. Upset by the death of her colleague, officer Wakayama, Keiko voluntarily contacts Zero. And Kyoshi, still suffering from a childhood trauma, enters Keiko`s dream. The film follows the rules of classical thrillers dealing with supernatural phenomena yet Tsukamoto`s innovative visuals persist. Darkness, nightmares, killing, the destructive power of nature, paranoia within the subconscious, and the conflict of men crossing from the dream world into reality fit into the theme. With contributions from young artists like Matsuda Ryuhei, the film certainly brings the unusual rush expected of Tsukamoto`s work with newly added entertainment value. (Kwon Yong-min)
Born in Tokyo in 1960, Tsukamoto Shinya was just 14 years old when he first began filming with a 8mm camera. He majored in figurative arts at Nihon University and organized his own theatrical company. Previous films include Adventure of the [Electric Rod Boy](1987), [Tetsuo - the Iron Man](1989), [Tokyo Fist](1995), [Bullet Ballet](1998), [Vital](2004), [Haze](2005) and so on. He has received numerous awards and has films have been screened at various international film festivals around the world.
  • Director TSUKAMOTO Shinya 츠카모토 신야
  • Producer USHIYAMA Taku
  • Cast MATSUDA Ryuhei, Hitomi, ANDO Masanobu, OHSUGI Ren
  • Screenplay TSUKAMOTO Shinya
  • Cinematography TSUKAMOTO Shinya
  • Sound KATO Hirokazu
  • Music ISHIKAWA Chu
  • Production Company Movie-Eye Entertainment INC.
    6F., Isehan Bldg., 8-3-7 Ginza, Cho-ku, Tokyo, 1040061, Japan

  • World Sales Movie-Eye Entertainment INC.
    6F., Isehan Bldg., 8-3-7 Ginza, Cho-ku, Tokyo, 1040061, Japan