

영화 정보

The Postmodern Life of My Aunt

11th(2006) A Window on Asian Cinema

Urbanization · Social Criticism · Women · Psychology  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time110min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Even though this film is titled [The Postmodern Life of My Aunt], it is oddly about the main character`s pre-modern life. Middle-aged Ye Rutang has moved to Shanghai after separating from her husband. In Shanghai, she maintains what she terms a "modern lifestyle", taking orders from nobody. She also moves to Anshan where her ex-husband lives - and that`s where the term “postmodern life” in the film comes from. Whether she lives in Shanghai or Anshan, however, she lives a thoroughly modern, free life. Even though many people betray her good will, including Kuankuan, the middle-aged man Pan Zhichang, Jin Yonghua, who constantly threatens to hurt herself, and her daughter Dafan, they all also have stories that make Rutang`s heart ache with pity and elicit her sympathy. However much our lives may change, director Ann Hui states that one thing that should never change are people`s relationships. They provide laughter and give luster to our lives. (Kim Ji-seok)
One of Hong Kong`s representative directors, Ann Hui started feature-making from the late seventies as a prominent member of the New Wave movement In Hong Kong, and was noted for revising the whole style and purport of local filmmaking with films like [The Secret](1979), [The Story of Wooviet](1980), and [Boat People](1982). She went on to make a total of nineteen feature films including [Summer Snow](1995) which won a Best Actress Award at the Berlin International Film Festival.
  • Director Ann HUI 안 휘
  • Producer ER Yong
  • Cast Gao Wa SIQIN, Yun Fat CHOW, Wei ZHAO, Lisa LU
  • Screenplay Qiang LI
  • Cinematography Pun Leung KWAN, Lik Wai YU
  • Production Design Mei YUAN
  • Editor Ching Song LIAO
  • Sound TU Du Chih
  • Music Joe HISAISHI
  • Production Company Cheerland Entertainment Organization
    1-2 F., Madianjingdian Bldg., No.8, Qijiahuozi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China