

영화 정보

The Sakais` Happiness

11th(2006) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · Rural · Coming of Age  

  • CountryJapan
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time112min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
The Sakais lead typical mundane lives in Japan. There are no world-shaking events but they still have their problems. Masakazu, the father, is busy working hard and his remarried wife, Terumi, complains that he doesn`t take care of her side of the family. Then there`s the teenage son, Tsuguo, who worries over how to approach a girl who expresses interest in him. Their lives hold a significance of their own and we know that a change can intrude upon their quietude at any given moment. Masakazu falls in love with his male colleague and moves out of the house, and Tsuguo falls into confusion. While Terumi quietly prepares to move, Tsuguo goes out looking for his father only to find out a surprising truth from his lover. The film draws the picture of family relations in a simple and humorous way while paying respect to ordinary lives. It carries the wisdom to let us witness the small miracle of strength of ordinary people doing extraordinary things as the Sakai family reunites. (Kwon Yong-min)
O Mipo
Born in 1977, O Mipo studied Visual Concept Planning at Osaka Art University. After graduation, she worked as an assistant director and script supervisor in Obayashi Nobuhiko′s production for five years. Her shorts, [Eye](2002) and [Grandmother](2003) won numerous awards at international film festivals. O Mipo also won the the 2005 Sundance/NHK International Filmmakers Award for the screenplay for [The Sakais′ Happiness]. This film is her first feature directorial debut.
  • Director O Mipo 오미보
  • Producer KUBO Rikei
  • Cast SANTAMARIA Yusuke, Tomochika, MORITA Naoyuki
  • Screenplay O Mipo
  • Cinematography KIKUMURA Tokushou
  • Editor ABE Hirohide
  • Sound ABE Shigeru
  • Music YAMAZAKI Masayoshi
  • Production Company Be-wild Co., Ltd. / Stylejam, INC
    Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, Japan

  • World Sales Be-wild Co., Ltd. / Stylejam, INC
    Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0001, Japan