

영화 정보

The Bothersome Man

11th(2006) World Cinema

SF · Comedy · Irony  

  • CountryNorway
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time95min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Jens Lien`s follow-up to his first film, [Jonny Vang], is this pitch black comedy set in a utopian dystopia, where Andreas is blessed with a perfect wife and unchallenging job, where everything is spotlessly clean, and where missing limbs remarkably grow back. The problems arise from Andreas not knowing how he got there, and not wanting to stay. One part Scandinavian social satire, one part Beckett, one part science fiction, the film delves into the world as it is now. Lien underscores how our affluence has bred apathy, disconnectedness and an emotional void. “The film describes total loneliness in a world that has everything ? but that`s also all it has. A society which has lost something along the way in its quest for perfection,” as Lien himself says. As comic as it is frightening and as alien as it is familiar.
Born in Oslo, Norway, Jens Lien received his cinema education in London at the London International Film School. Following several documentaries and commercials, and the short films [Shut the Door](2000) and [Natural Glasses](2001), Lien made his first feature, [Jonny Vang] in 2003.
  • Director Jens LIEN 옌스 리엔
  • Producer Jorgen Storm Rosenberg
  • Cast Trond Fausa Aurvåg, Petronella Barker, Per Schaanning, Birgitte Larsen, Johannes Joner
  • Screenplay Per Schreiner
  • Editor Vidar Flataukan
  • Sound Christian Schaanning
  • Music Ginge
  • Production Company Tordenfilm AS
    Marstrandgt. 9, Oslo, 0566, Norway

  • World Sales Bavaria Film International
    Dept.of Bavaria Media GmbH, Bavariafilmplatz 8, Geiselgasteig, 82031, Germany