

영화 정보


11th(2006) World Cinema

Suspense/Mystery · Films about Film · Psychology  

  • CountryArgentina,France,Netherlands
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time63min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
"I wanted to explore a new place, such as this building, its perspectives, its sounds, its silences, its angles, its electronic display signs, its surroundings, its nooks and crannies, its views..." -Lisandro Alonso Revisiting the minimalist territory of [Los Muertos], Argentinean director Lisandro Alonso crafts this paean to cinema in the vein of Tsai Ming-liang`s [Goodbye Dragon Inn]. Two men arrive at Buenos Aires` San Martin Theater to see a film. One is the star of the film he`s trying to see, and the other is the man who gets lost in the building. The maze-like complex is the location for Alonso`s meditative, languid mood piece that looks at man`s relationship with culture and the places where culture is created in the subtlest ways imaginable. Long takes and long shots follow the man he floats through the empty theater in almost complete silence, once again highlighting a lyricism that is quickly becoming a hallmark of Alonso`s work.
Lisandro ALONSO
Writer-director Lisandro Alonso hails from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and began his film career as an assistant sound engineer and assistant director on films such as Pablo Trapero′s Munda Grua and Nicolas Sarquis′ Sobre la tierra. His films include his debut short, [Dos en la vereda](1995), and the features [La Libertad](2001), and [Los Muertos](2004), both of which screened at the Cannes Film Festival.
  • Director Lisandro ALONSO 리산드로 알론소
  • Producer Lisandro Alonso
  • Cast Argentino Vareas, Misael Saavedra, Carlos Lanaini, Jorge Franceschelli
  • Screenplay Lisandro Alonso
  • Cinematography Lucio Bonelli
  • Editor Lisandro Alonso, Delfina Castagnino
  • Sound Catriel Vildosola
  • Music Flormaleva
  • Production Company 4L
    Juramento, 4940, Buenos Aires, 1431, Argentina

  • World Sales 4L
    Juramento, 4940, Buenos Aires, 1431, Argentina