

영화 정보

Free Floating

11th(2006) World Cinema

Rural · Adventure · Comedy  

  • CountryRussia
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time101min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
It is summertime, and young Lyonya`s cursed with the need to make a decision for the first time in his life. In a town where a factory career was the default, its closing forces everyone to suddenly make their own choices. Lyonya opts to work with a road repair crew because of the day-to-day variety it affords, and so his picaresque adventures begin. It`s because of the charming Mr. Roslov he takes, and loses, the job, and through it that he meets the beautiful Khryusha. The meandering, languid pace of the minimalist comedy belies an affection for the characters and an ability to distill the essence of place that was evident in Khlebnikov`s considerably darker first film [Roads to Koktebel].
Film critic and director Boris Khlebnikov was born in Moscow and attended the prestigious VGIK. His filmography includes [Mimokhod](1994), [Cunning Frog](2001), and [Roads To Koktebel](with Aleksei Popogrebsky, 2003).
  • Director Boris KHLEBNIKOV 보리스 흘레브니코프
  • Producer Roman Borisevich
  • Cast Aleksandr Yatsenko, Evgeniy Sitiy, Petr Zayehenko, Daria Ekamasova
  • Screenplay Aleksandr Rodionov
  • Cinematography Shandor Berkeshi
  • Production Design Olga Khlebnikova
  • Editor Ivan Lebedev
  • Sound Maksim Belovolov
  • Music Toto Cutugno
  • Production Company Koktebel Film Company
    Mikhalkovskaya str., 4, Moscow, Russia