

영화 정보

Soul Kicking

11th(2006) World Cinema

Urbanization · Crime/Violence · Social Criticism · Psychology  

  • CountryGreece,Cyprus
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time111min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Takis is a kind, middle-aged man working at a small factory in Athens. He`s also a man caught in the midst of several dysfunctional relationships that make his life miserable. Takis is subjected to unreasonable pressures from all sides: his wife, his sister, his friends, his colleagues. [Soul Kicking] is the story of a working class man waging his own private, internal war - between what he wants and what he has. That war eventually takes its toll, leaving him sullen and vulnerable. Not wanting to be caught in a vicious circle and unhappy with his life as it stands, Takis is also in trouble with a loan shark, leading him to a personal precipice that he`s in danger of falling over.
Born in Limassol, Cyprus, Yannis Economidis studied filmmaking in Athens. He began his directing career making short films and documentaries. His filmography includes [Episode](1989), [Good Morning Night](1990), [Gradual Improvement In The Weather](1992), [Just Smelling The Jasmine](1994), [The Life You Hoped For](1995), and his first feature [Matchbox](2003).
  • Director Yannis ECONOMIDIS 야니스 에코노미디스
  • Producer Panos Papahadzis
  • Cast Errikos Litsis, Vangelis Mourikis, Maria Kehagioglou, Yannis Voulgarakis
  • Screenplay Yannis Economidis
  • Cinematography Dimitris Katsaitis
  • Editor Ioannis Chalkiadakis
  • Sound Dinos Kittou
  • Production Company Greek Film Centre
    10, Panepistimiou St., Athens, 10671, Greece

  • World Sales Greek Film Centre
    10, Panepistimiou St., Athens, 10671, Greece