

영화 정보

South by North

11th(2006) World Cinema

Road Movie · Adventure · Social Criticism · Psychology  

  • CountryPoland
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time93min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
A special jourmey begins with two people in the set of beautiful landscape of Poland. Jakub, a former monk finds a tumor in his brain and leave to get to the ocean that he has never seen before. Either accidental or fateful, he meets Julia, who′s struggling with her past and future, a prostitute being HIV positive. Regardless the extreme opposite life stories of each, they get closer and closer, sharing unavoidable despair on their dead-end lives. On the way to the sea, they run into all kinds of people; mostly ignorant or negligent, indifferent to others and above all, not appreciate of the rest of the days. Those people signify as if to recall all the lifetime stupidities we′ve done, at the last minute of our lives. Nevertheless, hope will be found even in the end of the deepest desperation. It′s a sadly enough but powerful lyric about human affection. (Young-in Lee)
Writer-director Lukasz Karwowski studied at the Lodz Film School in Poland as well as the National Film and Television School in the UK, eventually relocating to France. After making several shorts, he directed over 100 commercials for numerous agencies around the globe. His films include [Moebius Strip](1989), [November](1992), and as producer, [Playing From The Plate](1995). He is currently developing his next film, [Expecting Love].
  • Director Lukasz KARWOWSKI 루카스 카르봅스키
  • Producer Lukasz Karwowski
  • Cast Agnieszka Grochowska, Borys Szyc, Robert Wieckiewicz
  • Screenplay Lukasz Karwowski
  • Cinematography Marek Rajca
  • Production Design Weronika Karwowska
  • Editor Jaroslaw Barzan
  • Sound Michal Zarnecki
  • Music Igor Czerniawski
  • Production Company Zoom Media
    SW. Katarzyny 4A/2, Torun, 87-100 Poland