

영화 정보

Blood Type

11th(2006) Wide Angle

True Story · Tradition · History  

  • CountryRussia
  • Production Year2005
  • Running Time44min
  • Format Beta
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Moscow is not among the dozens of cities across the globe renowned for ethnic diversity and cultural variety. But like London or New York, Moscow is in the midst of a very typical, modern quagmire. The immigration, emigration and migration are on the rise in almost every corner of the globe. Diasporas are everywhere, and [Blood Type] looks at the little known Korean diaspora in Russia. Reminiscent of [The Grace Lee Project] in the way it uses one iconic name ?in this case a legendary Russian rock star ? as a jumping-off point, the film tracks the lives of eight Korean-Russian Muscovites called Victor Tsoy. Director Brashinsky sheds light on the divergent group`s differences ? and its commonalities. The first in a larger documentary series on the nations that comprise contemporary Russian society.
Mikhail Brashinsky
Director and screenwriter Mikhail Brashinsky started his career as a film critic in his native Russia, and has written for Moscow`s Afisha and Variety in the US among other publications and has published two books. His filmography includes [A Road Movie] (1991), [Black Ice] (2003), [Anomalous Zone] (2003) for television, and the screenplay for [La Traductrice] (2005).
  • Director Mikhail Brashinsky 미하일 브라신스키
  • Producer Ekaterina Filippova
  • Screenplay Mikhail Brashinsky
  • Cinematography Oleg Shuvaev
  • Editor Alexey Kochkin
  • Sound Andrey Korinsky
  • Music Kino, Yoondohyun Band
  • Production Company Atlantic
    8 Eisenshtein str, Moscow 129226, Russia

  • World Sales Atlantic
    8 Eisenshtein str, Moscow 129226, Russia