

영화 정보


11th(2006) Wide Angle

Social Criticism · Suspense/Mystery · Psychology  

  • CountryChina,Korea
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time5min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
A happening that already happened is a fact. And any happening that didn`t happen yet will eventually become a fact. The spaces inside and outside the screen are also facts. The numerously repeated meetings and partings between men and women are all parts of a fact.
Zhang Lu
Born in 1962, author and director ZHANG Lu earned acclaim for three films: a short called Eleven (2001); his feature film, Tang Poetry (2003); and Grain in Ear (2005), which was selected in La Semaine de la Critique, Cannes Film Festival, and received the New Currents Award at the 10th PIFF.
  • Director Zhang Lu 장률
  • Producer PARK Jinweon 박진원
  • Cast KIM So Hee 김소희, HONG Doo Hyun 홍두현
  • Cinematography KIM Sung Tae 김성태
  • Production Design KIM Sung Gyu 김성규, LEE Young Hoon 이영훈
  • Production Company Doo entertainment
    A-102 Dongyang Villa, 872-18 Bangbae 4dong, Seochogu, Seoul, 135-922, Korea