

영화 정보

A Dirty Carnival

11th(2006) Korean Cinema Today


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time141min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Byung-du, the second-in-line-to-the boss of a small gangster organization, leads a seedy life violently forcing debtors to discharge their obligations for his own familial responsibilities. He complies with a request from President Hwang who looks after his gang to remove a public prosecutor. After a long hesitation, he confesses everything to his friend Min-ho, a film director. When Min-ho`s film is released, Byung-du finds out, too late, that it reveals his murder case in details. [A Dirty Carnival] seems like a normal Korean gangster movie if we focus on the life of Byung-du. When Min-ho intrudes in on his life, however, the story becomes complicated. It is very interesting that this film describes not only the myth of one man who lives in the world of crime and corruption but also the way this myth is consumed in its narrative. Byung-du`s direct gaze becomes that of the audience, which shows that the Korean gangster has reached the level of self-criticism. And this criticism is sharp and severe. (Huh Moon-yung)
You Ha
Born in 1963, You Ha is well-known for his poem [Let`s go to Apgujeong-dong on a Windy Day ](1991). You Ha made his debut film with the same title in 1993. [Crazy Marriage] (2002) and [Spirit Of Jeet Keun Do] (2004) are his most acclaimed works. [A Dirty Carnival] is his fourth film.
  • Director You Ha 유하
  • Producer TCHA Sungjai, KIM Mihee
  • Cast JO Insung, LEE Boyoung, Jin-gu
  • Screenplay YOO Ha
  • Cinematography CHOI Hyun Gi
  • Production Design KIM Gi Cheol
  • Editor PARK Gok Ji
  • Music CHO Young wuk
  • Production Company Sidus FNH Corporation
    6F, 745-5, Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul KOREA 137-090

  • World Sales CJ Entertainment
    3rd Fl. 602, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-893, Korea