

영화 정보

No Regret

11th(2006) Korean Cinema Today


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time114min
  • Format HD
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Leaving the country orphanage where he grew up, Su-min comes to Seoul to study art design. Leading a tough life by doing jobs including factory worker and proxy driver, he becomes to have a feeling for Jae-min, a depressed you guy from a wealthy family. Fate brings them back to meet each other in the opposite position: a fired worker and a son of company`s vice president. Refusing Jae-min`s fine offers, Su-min starts working as a prostitute in a gay bar. Never able to stop thinking of Su-min, Jae-min continues to visit Su-min, although his wedding is coming close. It is of course not required to be gay for appreciating this gay romance. No Regret never specialize the gay situation, nor directly tries to attack cruel oppression of heterosexual society. Rather, the film`s critical mind goes to upper class of contemporary Korean society whose repression of its own desire locks up itself. However, nothing is matter but the troubled love between the guys. Not pursuing aesthetic experiment, this melodrama deploys a tragic love of gay couple with delicate touch. (Huh Moon-yung)
He debuted with his short [Everyday Like a Sunday] (1998). [Sugar Hill] (2000) was invited to the 20th Vancouver International Film Festival and the 13th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. After his first feature [No Regret] was world primiered at the 11th PIFF, and was invited to a number of international film festivals, such as Berlin International Film Festival and Hong Kong International Film Festival.
  • Director LEE SONG Hee Il 이송희일
  • Producer Peter KIM, Sun-mi LEE
  • Cast LEE Han, LEE Young Hoon LEE
  • Screenplay LEESONG Hee-il
  • Cinematography YUN Ji-un
  • Production Design PARK Hye Sung
  • Editor LEESONG Hee-il, LEE Jung-min
  • Music LEE Byung-hoon
  • Production Company Generation Blue Films
    2F. 119-4 Pil-dong 2-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea

  • World Sales Film Messenger
    504, E-starville 1, 1480-5, Kayang-dong, Gangseo-gu, Seoul 157-807 Korea