

영화 정보

King and the Clown

11th(2006) Korean Cinema Today


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time119min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
In the Cho Sun dynasty, a local clown, Jang-seng, runs away to Seoul with Gong-gil, his lover-like friend who used to be the nobles` plaything. Jang-seng and Gong-gil, while performing a satirical play of a king with his new clown team in Seoul are fortuitously appointed the royal clown team. Jang-seng and his friends, however, fall in the mire between the unstable king and the senior statesman`s enmity for power. When the king is sexually attracted to Gong-gil, things gets more and more complicated. There are four men in this film, a king, a clown, and their helpers. Their relationships are intricately involved with the confrontation between power and the arts, and conflicts between lovers. Director Jun-ik LEE effectively describes the oppressed desire and anger by the performance not by any direct expression of their feelings. [King and the Clown] finally fascinates the audience with a tragic romance. It also obtained the highest box-office record in the first half of this year with its vitality of Korean performance art, pathetic romance and implied homosexuality. (Huh Moon-yung)
Jun Ik LEE
Jun Ik Lee worked as a producer of [The Spy](1999, Jang Jin) and [Let`s Play, Darma](2001, Park Cheol-kwan), and made his debut as a director of [Hwang San Bul] in 2003. His second film, [King and the Clown] gained the highest box-office record for a South Korean film.
  • Director Jun Ik LEE 이준익
  • Producer CHUNG Jin Wan, LEE Jun Ik
  • Cast KARM Woo Sung, JUNG Jin Young, LEE Joon Gi, KANG Sung Yeon
  • Screenplay CHOI Suk Hwan
  • Cinematography JI Gil Woong
  • Production Design KANG Seung Yong
  • Editor KIM Sang Bum, KIM Jae Bum
  • Music LEE Byeong Woo
  • Production Company Eagle Pictures Co., Ltd
    2F, 243-18 Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

  • World Sales CJ Entertainment
    3rd Fl. 602, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-893, Korea