

영화 정보

Military Train (Gun-yong-yeolcha)

11th(2006) Korean Cinema Retrospective


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1938
  • Running Time66min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
A propaganda film produced as part of the “One National Body” policy put forth by Japan in 1937, which claimed Cho Sun and Japan to be one nation. Jeom-yong finally fulfills his dream of driving a military train. His younger sister, Young-sim, works as ‘gisaeng’ girl for Jeom-yong. His frined, Won-jin is Young-sim’s fiance. In order to acquire the money to save Young-sim, Won-Jin sells information about the train schedule to a spy. Neither Jeom-yong, who suspects his friend of betraying him, nor Won-jin, who feels guilty about selling the information, gets much sleep.
Kwang Je SEO
Born in Seoul, Suh graduated from Bosong Technical School before attending Meiji University in Japan, but dropped out before completing his degree. After starting work as a film researcher with the Chosun Film and Arts Association, he continued work as the chief polemicist for Korea Artista Proleta Federatio (KAPF), and even appeared in [Wandering] – the only film produced by KAPF. [Military Train], one of South Korea`s earliest talking films, is the only film Suh ever made.
  • Director Kwang Je SEO 서광제