

영화 정보

The Arch of Chastity

11th(2006) Korean Cinema Retrospective


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year1962
  • Running Time99min
  • Format HD
  • ColorB&W
Program Note
Han, the daughter-in-law of Kim’s family, was granted the ‘arch of chastity’ after becoming a widow at an early age. One rainy night after a severe drought, Han has an affair with Sung-chil the farmhand, and becomes pregnant. In order to maintain the household honor, Han sends away her lover and her beloved son only to lead a harsh life taking care of her grandmother-in-law who ill-treats her by saying that Han is unchaste. A great work owing to the harmonious combination of SHIN Sang-ok’s brilliant directing skills with the outstanding performances by the leading actors.
SHIN Sang-ok
He studied art in Japan and returned to work as assistant director to Choi In Kyu, then made his debut with [The Evil Night] in 1952. He directed around 66 films including [The Flower in Hell](1958), [Seong Chun-hyang](1961), and [Mother and a Guest](1961). He is also the producer at Shin Film with over 200 film titles under the name, claiming the reputation as box office hit maker.
  • Director SHIN Sang-ok 신상옥