

영화 정보

Camellia Lady

11th(2006) Wide Angle


  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2006
  • Running Time80min
  • Format DV
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
This is a documentary about a leprosy patient, who spent her life on Sorokdo, after being cast out from society and, effectively, history. The difficult life of this active and witty 77-year-old lady is viewed through the lens of a woman director. Can she recover the life that she might have led as an ordinary woman and mother if she had been liberated from the prejudices and ignorance of history, and granted some understanding?
PARK Jeongsuk
Born in Soonchun, in 1971. She began her career as a filmmaker in the Labor News Production in 1996, and is currently active in DOCU Heemang. Through films including [Back Pain: Are You Safe?](1997) and [Salt-Korean Railway Women Workers Story](2003), she has often addressed labor issues affecting, in particular, women workers.
  • Director PARK Jeongsuk 박정숙
  • Producer PARK Jeong-Suk
  • Screenplay PARK Jeong-suk
  • Cinematography RYU Young-hee
  • Editor RYU Young-hee
  • Music KIM Sun-guk
  • Production Company DOCU Heemang
    Rm.401, Sangkang Bldg., 56-24Chungmuro 3-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-013, Korea

  • World Sales DOCU Heemang
    Rm.401, Sangkang Bldg., 56-24Chungmuro 3-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-013, Korea