

영화 정보

Blind Spot

7th(2002) World Cinema

Crime/Violence · Suspense/Mystery · Psychology  

  • CountrySlovenia
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time87 min
  • Format 35mm
Program Note
Gladki, a heroin addict, has escaped from the hospital, and Lupa receives his phone call of distress. She finds him unconscious and decides to use her own methods to get him off heroin. She has his legs plastered and imprisons him in a rented room. As their relationship slowly improves and old memories overtake the withdrawal symptoms, Lupa struggles to make their existence in the isolated room possible. Although she believes she can overcome any obstacle and outsmart any opponent, the world outside seems to be getting more hostile and frightening. Slowly she gets tangled in a dependant relationship with a drug dealer who provides her with methadone for Gladki. She keeps her problems a secret from Gladki, hoping that all her efforts will eventually pay off. For a while it seems she will be able to rescue him not only from drug addiction but also from his deepest fears, but horrible secrets come to light that may destroy any dreams she has for their future.
Hanna A.W. Slak
Slak was born in Poland in 1975. She studied Comparative Literature at the Ljubljana University and Film Direction at the Ljubljana Theatre, Radio, Film and TV Academy (AGRFT). She worked as Assistant Director, Sound Recordist and Camera Operator on student films, features, documentaries and video commercials. Her films include [Double Life], a feature documentary in 2000, and [Marmelade, Part Three] in omnibus of four young Slovenian directors in 2001.
  • Director Hanna A.W. Slak 한나 슬락
  • Producer Franci Slak
  • Cast Manca Dorrer, Kolja Saksida
  • Screenplay Hanna A.W. Slak
  • Cinematography Karina M. Kleszczewska
  • Production Design Marko Japelj
  • Editor Hanna A.W. Slak
  • Sound Hanna Preuss
  • Music Dreamwalk
  • Production Company Bindweed Soundvision
    Zrinjskega 9 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • World Sales Slovenian Film Fund
    Miklosiceva 38 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia