

영화 정보

Fujian Blue

12th(2007) A Window on Asian Cinema

Crime/Violence · Social Criticism · Coming of Age  

  • CountryChina
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time91 min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Director Weng Shou Ming made his feature film debut with this super 16mm movie Fujian Blue, which tells the stories of China’s young people who are troubled and becoming more materialistic by going through the erosion of traditional values. Living through their aimless and dissipated days, American and his friends go out every night in their van to fancy nightclubs to sing and dance. What they do is look for couples who seem like they are about to have an adulterous relationship. They take pictures of them so they can blackmail them. Finding out that his mother is having an affair, American threatens his own mother and exploits her for a lot of money, only to lose it all accidentally. From that point, this dynamic debut of Weng Shou Ming tells two linked stories from two different aesthetic views. What drives many young people in Fujian Province to illegally emigrate, possibly their only way out, is their feeling of insecurity, shown through the skillful handheld techniques of this film. (박종호)
Shou Ming Weng
Prior to filming Fujian Blue his first feature film, Shou Ming WENG has made numerous short films, which have been selected in many international film festival, among those Young Age (2004) was selected to 5th Forum of Asian Cinema in Singapore and Jasmine Bay (2003) was selected for a prize at 2003 Beijing Digital Video Forum and 9th IFVA Asian new Force in Hong-Kong.
  • Director Shou Ming Weng 웡 셔우밍
  • Producer Zhang Xian Min, Weng Xiu Ping, Kondo Teiko, Lin Fan
  • Cast Luo Jin, Zhu Xiao Peng, Chen Shu, Wang Yi Nan, Liu Hao Chen, Lin Yi Le
  • Screenplay Chen Tao, Lin Yi Le
  • Cinematography Hai Tao, Shang Yi, Wang Yan
  • Production Design Weng Yu
  • Editor Zeng Jian
  • Sound Gao Yu Guang, Yin Jie
  • Production Company Wonderland Pictures, Fantaisy Pictures Entertainment, Indie Film Workshop
    Indie Film Workshop 1106, 7Bldg., Huangtingzi, Haidian District, Beijing, 100088, China

  • World Sales Wonderland Pictures, Fantaisy Pictures Entertainment, Indie Film Workshop
    Indie Film Workshop 1106, 7Bldg., Huangtingzi, Haidian District, Beijing, 100088, China