

영화 정보

Night Train

12th(2007) A Window on Asian Cinema

Love/Romance · Psychology · Women  

  • CountryHong Kong,United States,France
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time94min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
A female bailiff’s strange meeting with the husband of a female criminal on death row. While bored with life and longing for change, Hongyan meets Li-Jun, husband of a woman she saw executed. For some unexplainable reason they are drawn to each other. But later, Hongyan discovers Li-jun’s true identity and falls in despair. Hongyan’s secret life of seeking love (at dance halls) is curiously mixed in with her job as a bailiff. However, DIAO Yinan had already dealt with a person of uniform leading a double life in Uniform. But in Night Train, Diao puts emphasis on the female’s strong character instead. Even through the confusion and despair, Hongyan stays true to herself and does not regret her choices. The ‘night train’ that she rides each night represents her inner-soul in search for love. (Kim Ji-suk)
Yinan DIAO
DIAO Yinan graduated from Beijing’s Central Drama Academy in 1992. He wrote many screenplays including Shi Runjiu’s All the Way (2001) and Zhang Yang’s Spicy Love Soup (1997). His directorial feature debut, Uniform (2003), won the Vancouver Film Festival’s Dragons and Tigers Award, as well as the Amnesty Doen Award Special Mention at Rotterdam. Night Train, which he also wrote, is Diao’s second feature.
  • Director Yinan DIAO 디아오이난
  • Producer Steve CHOW
  • Cast Liu DAN, Qi DAO
  • Screenplay Diao YINAN
  • Cinematography Dong Jinsong
  • Editor Kong Jinlei
  • Sound Zhang Yang
  • Music Wen Zi
  • Production Company Ho-Hi Pictures
    5-1506 Xiandaicheng, 88 Jianguo Rd., Chayang District, Beijing, 100022, China

  • World Sales MK2 International
    55, rue Traversiére, Paris, 75012, France