

영화 정보


12th(2007) World Cinema

Literature · Love/Romance · Psychology  

  • CountryRussia,Ukraina
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time116min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Set in the city of Tiflis (now Tbilisi) in the early 1900s, this period melodrama about a mysterious couple trying to navigate their way through life and their relationship. Vladislav Eschenbach and Sofia Pshebyshevskaya play the artistic pair in Georgia before the turmoil of the First World War and the Russian Revolution take hold. She is a painter’s model and a free spirit accustomed to male attention. He is her lover, a jealous poet constrained by reality and gravitas. How the story ends for the couple is never in doubt, but the film ? based on Yuri Nagibin’s short story Three Men, One Woman and Another Man ? is a rich portrait and incisive psychological profile of two seemingly opposite people who nonetheless try and forge a life together. Their evolving relationship is reflected in the vivid culture in Tiflis and the life they find there.
Tatiana Voronetskaya studied filmmaking at Moscow’s VGIK. She spent time working for the state film producer (Goskino), eventually founding Rossfilm in 1993. Her early independent work was often co-produced with France or Germany, and was frequently for television and in documentary. Inspiring is her second feature film. Her credits include Antifaust (1993), God Saves Everything (2002) and Recipe of the Witch (2004).
  • Director Tatiana VORONETSKAYA 타티아나 보로넷츠카야
  • Producer Taiana Viadienovne VORONETSKAYA
  • Cast Victoria Victorovna TOSTOGANOVA, Deniil Ivonovich SPLVAKOVAKY, Deniil Alexandrovich SIRAKHOV, Nikolay Viedimirovich FOMENKO
  • Screenplay Dmitry Viktorovioh SOBALEV
  • Cinematography Nikolay Vladimirovich NEMOLAEV
  • Editor Nelly Ivanovna ZDANOVA
  • Sound Andrey KORINSKY
  • Music Dmitry Alexandrovich KURLIANDSKY
  • Production Company Rossfilm
    Bolshaya Kommunisticheskeya St., 5 bld., 2, 1 Moskva, 09004, RUSIA

  • World Sales Rossfilm
    Bolshaya Kommunisticheskeya St., 5 bld., 2, 1 Moskva, 09004, RUSIA