

영화 정보


12th(2007) World Cinema

Coming of Age · Children · Women · Education  

  • CountryRepublic of South Africa
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time80min
  • Format HD
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Director Darrell Roodt continues his examinations of South Africa with the story of Meisie, a young girl and gifted mathematician who yearns to learn and only needs an opportunity to do so. Blindly obeying her father and staying at home to tend to the family and its goats, Meisie’s life is shaken up when a new teacher arrives in the village from Cape Town. Miss September discovers Meisie’s gift, and despite repeated objections and warnings from her father, teaches the girl all she can. Regardless of the obstacles, Meisie has a happy, hopeful ending that signals growth for the girl ? and the nation. In a film about potential, education, and combining the two for a better future, Roodt once again tells the story of the emerging South Africa through a simple story that any of us can sympathize with, and understand.
Darrell James ROODT
Darrell James Roodt was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, and was educated at the University of Witwatersrand. He has been working in South Africa and the US for the last several years. His films include Place of Weeping (1986), Sarafina (1992), Cry, the Beloved Country (1995), Dangerous Ground (1997), Witness to a Kill (2001), and Prey (2007).
  • Director Darrell James ROODT 다렐 제임스 루트
  • Producer Diony KEMPEN
  • Cast Renate STUURMAN, Abrina BOSMAN, Raymond BASSON
  • Screenplay Darrell James ROODT
  • Cinematography Andrew TOLMAY
  • Editor Ronelle LOOTS
  • Sound Josh KEMPEN
  • Music Harold DUDD
  • Production Company Welela Studios
    24A Bradford Road, Bedfordview, Johannesburg Gauteng REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

    134 Essenwood Road, Durban REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA