

영화 정보

Reclaim Your Brain

12th(2007) World Cinema

Social Criticism · IT/VR · Politics/Conspiracy  

  • CountryAustria,Germany
  • Production Year2007
  • Running Time129min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Switch on your television on any given night and you’re likely to find a reality program at some stage of broadcast. The firmly entrenched Reality TV phenomenon isn’t likely to pass anytime soon. As a genre, it’s been accused of the widespread dumbing down of culture. In his latest, Hans Weingartner returns to the world of personal revolution he perfected in The Edukators, going so far as to call Reality TV a danger to democracy. When a TV executive changes his philosophy, he starts a war for the minds of viewers. Weingartner: “Our society is drifting apart. It seems like only the elite have access to knowledge and education, while the masses are dumbed down and kept quiet with trash TV… [which] has reached a dangerous level. People who are kept stupid are an easy target for populist rat-catchers that offer easy solutions. But true democracy is based on well informed, thinking individuals.”
Hans Weingartner was born in Feldkirch, Austria, and studied neuroscience in Vienna and Berlin before completing graduate studies in cinema at Cologne’s Academy of Media Arts. Weingartner’s filmography includes Frank (1999), the Max Ophüls Prize-winning The White Sound (2001), and The Edukators (2004).
  • Director Hans WEINGARTNER 한스 바인가르트너
  • Producer Hans WEINGARTNER, Antonin SVOBODA
  • Cast Moritz BLEIBTREU, Elsa Sophie GAMBARD, Milan PESCHEL, Gregor Bloéb, Simone Hanselmann
  • Screenplay Katharina Held, Hans WEINGARTNER
  • Cinematography Christine MAIER
  • Editor Andreas WODRASCHKE
  • Sound Stefan SOLTAU
  • Music Andreas WODRASCHKE, Adem IIHAN
  • Production Company Kahuuna Films GmbH,Coop99 Filmproduktion GmbH
    Kastanienallee 56 Berlin GERMANY 10119,Wasagasse 12 (9.Bez.), Wien, A-1090, AUSTRIA,

  • World Sales The Match Factory (Cologne office)
    Sudermanplatz 2 50670 Cologne GERMANY