

영화 정보

Tirana Year Zero

7th(2002) World Cinema

Family · Love/Romance · Comedy  

  • CountryAlbania,Belgium,France
  • Production Year2001
  • Running Time89min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
Niku tries to earn his living in the chaos of Albania using his most valuable family possession, an aging truck. Everyone around him seems obsessed by foreign countries, like his girlfriend Klara, who wants to be a model in Paris, and the woman next door, who manages to marry an Italian. Niku is one of the few Albanians who doesn’t want to emigrate: he wants to help rebuild his country instead of fleeing from it. But life is hard on Niku. Klara has had enough after yet another random shooting in town and leaves for Paris, his father is dying, and the transport of a gigantic statue of Stalin is too much for his truck. Despite the poverty, violence and chaos that are present throughout the story, Tirana Year Zero is not a grim film. The infectious lust for life of the characters and the absurd situations in which Niku becomes embroiled throw a tragi-comic light on the dilemma of a whole generation of young Albanians: to leave or to stay?
Fatmir Koci
Born in Tirana, 1959. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts and the Film School in Tirana. His first feature film Necrology(1994) was awarded with the Special Mention for Best Feature Film at the Montreal World Film Festival in 1996. His films include Alternative Head(1996) and Super Balkan(1998).
  • Director Fatmir Koci 파티미르 코치
  • Producer Thierry Lenouvel, Fatmir Koci
  • Cast Nevin Mecaj, Ermela Teli, Behar Mera, Lars Rudolph
  • Screenplay Fatmir Koci, Heinzi Brandner
  • Cinematography Heinzi Brandner
  • Production Design Andon Koja
  • Editor Thomas Khune, Michel Klochendler
  • Sound Dieter Draxler
  • Music Artem Denissov
  • Production Company Cine-Sud Promotion
    130, rue de Turenne 75003 Paris, France

  • World Sales Cine-Sud Promotion
    130, rue de Turenne 75003 Paris, France