

영화 정보

Afghan Alphabet

7th(2002) Wide Angle

Social Criticism · Children · Psychology  

  • CountryIran
  • Production Year2001
  • Running Time46min
  • Format DV
Program Note
Director Mohsen Makhmalbaf takes his digital camera to the border villages between Iran and Afghanistan, where he focuses on children studying in UNICEF classes. Despite the end of the Taliban regime, the director discovers that these children are still facing serious problems. With his film, Makhmalbaf puts this question to Western society: can eliminating the Taliban through military action alone solve Afghanistan’s problems?
Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Born in a Poor district of Tehran in 1957, As a teenager, he participated in the opposition movement against the Shah of Iran. He left politics in 1980 and turned towards cultural work by publishing short stories, plays, and a novel. In 1982, he made his first directorial debut film Nasoo`s Repentance. He has made several films since then and is now recognized as one of the most important filmmakers in Iran. His film Gabbeh was invited to the 2nd PIFF.
  • Director Mohsen Makhmalbaf 모흐센 마흐말바프
  • Producer Mohsen MAKHMALBAF (모흐센 마흐말바프)
  • Cast Maryam Ozbak, Ghafour Barahouyi and refugees Afghans in Iran
  • Screenplay Mohsen Makhmalbaf
  • Cinematography Mohsen Makhmalbaf
  • Editor Mohsen Makhmalbaf
  • Sound Mojtaba Mirtahmasb
  • Music Mohamadreza Darvishi
  • Production Company Makhmalbaf Film House
    P.O. Box 15875-6413 Tehran, Iran

  • World Sales Exception-Wild Bunch
    99, rue de la Verrerie 75004 Paris, France