

영화 정보

Rooms of Shadow and Light

7th(2002) Wide Angle

Human Rights · True Story · Psychology  

  • CountryFinland
  • Production Year2000
  • Running Time60min
Program Note
Rooms of Shadow and Light, by John Webster, is a documentary set in a brothel in Mumbai, India. A lazy afternoon, the sun is high, and it seems like just another ordinary day for the prostitutes of Mumbai. But as the documentary delves deeper into their lives, we get to see their intense desire to survive and feelings of despair at the same time. Old women, young women, little girls, and young men... various types of people sell their body here all for the same reason. There’s just no other way for them to make money. While society shows total indifference toward them they live day by day under the worst of circumstances. What’s shocking about this documentary is not its gentle style but its actual contents. In one scene, the ‘routine’ procedures of child prostitution are lazily captured on film. No words can describe the shock that this scene holds. The dignity and simple hopes that these prostitutes try to maintain even under these circumstances will stun the viewers. (Kim Young-jin)
John Webster
  • Director John Webster 존 웹스터
  • Producer Kristiina Pervila
  • Cinematography K U Mohanan
  • Editor Jukka Nykanen
  • Sound Pletari Kpskinen
  • Music Rag Bihag, Aruna Sayeeram
  • Production Company Millennium Film Ltd.
    Torpantie 7 Fin-02700 Kauniainen, Finland

  • World Sales Films Sales GmbH
    Peterssteinweg 13 04107 Leipzig, Germany