

영화 정보

A Wedding in Ramallah

7th(2002) Wide Angle

War · Family · Psychology  

  • CountryAustralia
  • Production Year2001
  • Running Time90min
Program Note
In the midst of war-ravaged Palestine, the everyday experiences of a hopeful newly wed couple take on particular resonance. In July 2000, while Arafat is in America talking peace, Bassam - a telephone repairman in Cleveland - returns to his home in Palestine in search of a bride. Soon after his wedding to Mariam, he returns to America while Mariam waits patiently for her visa, huddled under blankets as gunfire echoes around the West Bank for almost a year. Australian documentary maker Sherine Salama has pieced together a thoughtful portrait of Palestinian life. Ordinary life in wartime is brilliantly evoked: people talk on cell phones, quarrel and cook dinner while tanks are shelling buildings a few blocks away from Bassam’s family home. A compelling film - speaking volumes about the lives of men and women etching out a life under extreme conditions.
Sherine Salama
Sherine was born in Cairo and moved to Australia with her family when she was three years old. Her father is Egyptian and her mother Palestinian. Over the past 12 years Sherine has travelled and worked throughout the Middle East. From 1989 - 1991 she was based in Cairo, where she worked as a freelance journalist. As a news and current affairs reporter for ABC-TV from 1993 - 1995, Sherine received the United Nations Media Peace Prize for a report detailing the rape experiences of Bosnian women.
  • Director Sherine Salama 쉐린 살라마
  • Producer Sherine Salama
  • Screenplay Sherine Salama
  • Cinematography Sherine Salama
  • Editor Andrew Arestides, Andrea Lang
  • Sound Sherine Salama
  • Production Company Habibi Films
    4/4 Manion Av. Rose Bay NSW 2029, Australia

  • World Sales Films Transit
    402 est, rue Notre-Dame, #100 Montreal Quebec H24 1C8 Canada