

영화 정보

Family Project

7th(2002) Wide Angle

Family · Psychology · True Story  

  • CountryKorea
  • Production Year2002
  • Running Time52min
  • Format DV
Program Note
The father, over 60 years old, is a typical Korean patriarch. The man who rides roughshod over his wife and children is passionate about his children’s education, and is one-sided in his conversation with his family. Oldest of his six brothers and sisters, the father takes for granted the sacrifice of his wife, who has lived as the oldest daughter-in-law in the family for over 30 years. However, the family members realize that they can no longer continue the relationship with their father as they used to. The mother, after years of deprivation, starts to feel lonely, and the children start to feel pity toward their father. The father in the meantime becomes perplexed, unable to find his place in the family. The film is particularly exceptional in its description of personal details. (Hong Hyosook)
Jo Yun
Born in 1970. Jo Yun graduated from Seoul National University and received an MFA in Filmmaking/Video/New Media from the Art Institute of Chicago. She debuted with My Love My Movie(1998), and has directed Lullaby(2000) and An experiment on Gender and Gesture(2001).
  • Director Jo Yun 조윤경
  • Producer Jo Yun-kyung 조윤경
  • Screenplay Jo Yun-kyung 조윤경
  • Cinematography Jo Yun-kyung 조윤경
  • Production Design Jo Yun-kyung 조윤경
  • Editor Jo Yun-kyung 조윤경
  • Music Hye-young 강혜영
  • Production Company Jo Yun
    522 Greenwood St., #GW. Evanston IL 60201 USA

  • World Sales Jo Yun
    522 Greenwood St., #GW. Evanston IL 60201 USA