

영화 정보

Lonely Hearts Club

7th(2002) Special Programs in Focus

Family · Love/Romance · LGBT  

  • CountryTaiwan
  • Production Year1995
  • Running Time114min
Program Note
Ms. Chen is a typical Taipei working housewife. She has a rebellious teenaged daughter obsessed with a teacher, a philandering husband dallying with a neighbour and an allegedly senile mother-in-law who actually just craves some attention. Enter Long, an enigmatic new office worker. As we gradually become aware of the hopelessness of Ms. Chen’s crush, her attempts to escape her dreary fate become increasing comic but at the same time, increasingly tragic. By 1990, I was suffering from a broken heart, I was smoking and drinking heavily, and I had insomnia. One day in 1991, I was sitting at a desk and suddenly I was hit by a story. I began to write down the story and then it became the synopsis of the film. The scenario was revised several times and I barely gained government support for the project after two applications. Due to a short shooting schedule, the completed film became quite different from my original scenario. While production started in May and finished in July, the period of time spent on accomplishing the scenario is no less than 4 years. I greatly elaborated the continuity as well as the scenario during that period. So despite the limited time and poor environment of the production, the film was completed on schedule thanks to my strenuous effort on scenario. (Yi Chih-yen)
Yi Chih-yen
Born in Taiwan in 1959, Yee Chih-yen majored in film production at the University of California. Back in Taiwan, Yee become an awarded CF director in Taiwan, working in the advertisement industry. [Blue Gate Crossing], his 2nd feature film was a part of the Director’s Fortnights section at Cannes.
  • Director Yi Chih-yen 이 치엔
  • Producer Xu ligong
  • Cast Bai bingbing, Yang Kuei-mei, Xie xiantang
  • Screenplay Yi Chih-yen
  • Production Company Central Motion Picture Co.
    6th Fl. 116, Han Chung St. Taipei, Taiwan

  • World Sales Central Motion Picture Co.
    6th Fl. 116, Han Chung St. Taipei, Taiwan