

영화 정보

The Moon at the Bottom of the Well

13th(2008) A Window on Asian Cinema

Family · Social Criticism · Women · Spirituality  

  • CountryVietnam
  • Production Year2008
  • Running Time121min
  • Format 35mm
  • ColorCOLOR
Program Note
At the very first glance, this film looks like a typical melodrama; but upon looking closer, it is the story of a woman who comes to collapse with no compassion from the world she lives in. The head of a high school, Phuong, is married to a school teacher Hanh, but they are infertile. Hanh looks for a surrogate mother for her and her husband. However, Phuong asks for a fake divorce so he can marry the surrogate and maintain his status position, and Hanh accepts his request. However, Phuong becomes more and more distance from Hanh once he is married to the surrogate, Tham. The director, Vinh Son Nguyen focuses more on how one woman is betrayed and falls slowly to superstition which results in self-destruction than on the cliches of melodrama such as jealousy and conflicts. This whole picture shows how suppressed and unfair Vietnamese society still is to women, as it describes the tragedy of an intelligent woman discriminated by pre-modern values. (KIM Ji-Seok)
Vinh Son Nguyen
Born in 1953, Vinh Son Nguyen grew up during the war between North and South Vietnam. He started his career as a photographer, then as a filmmaker, inspired by those lives devastated by war and poverty. He has directed many films for Vietnamese TV and some feature films including The Last Knight, The Sweet Motherland and Fierce Childhood, which won the Silver Lotus Prize, the Jury’s Excellent Prize, and the Excellent Director Award at the 9th Vietnam National Film Festival.
  • Director Vinh Son Nguyen 응유엔 빈 손
  • Production Company Nguyen Thai Hoa
    212 Ly Chinh Thang, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam